CarePoint Resident Safety System

Data-driven, enterprise-wide system for improved senior living management, safer resident care

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CarePoint Resident Safety System

Data-driven, enterprise-wide system for improved senior living management, safer resident care

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CarePoint Senior Living Resident Safety System: Enhancing Community Management and Resident Care

The CarePoint resident safety system combines several connected technologies designed to meet the individual and enterprise-wide needs of senior living communities. And although they deliver tremendous value to you by virtue of their sophistication, the good news for you and your staff is that their power comes from their ease of use. Most importantly, their value to your residents is that CarePoint system technology can help ease the aging journey across the healthcare continuum.

The CarePoint system’s technologies start with emergency call system personal alert buttons with AutoAlert fall detection1 and our controlled access and wander management system. Data from these systems are integrated and conveyed through our resident alert transmitters to the CarePoint Notifier app, and/or pagers, which alerts your staff promptly on their mobile devices about particular residents’ needs.

The CarePoint resident safety system is UL-2560 certified to meet the highest industry and safety standards.

Woman wearing HomeSafe medical alert system sitting on couch with friend

The CarePoint Resident Safety System is Designed to Meet Your Needs

Lifeline personal alert buttons with AutoAlert fall detection

Improve resident safety through the robust monitoring offered by Lifeline’s personal alert buttons with AutoAlert fall detection and by the CarePoint controlled access and wander management system. AutoAlert technology detects falls and calls for help even if the resident is unable to do so. Lifeline’s controlled access and wander management technology can be tailored to lock specific doors and elevators to protect residents with cognitive impairment from unsafe wandering.

Speed staff responses to residents’ alerts

Increase staff efficiency and accountability through the CarePoint Notifier app, which facilitates staff responses to residents’ alerts. Schedule email reports with robust filtering and display options.

Easy-to-use staff communication on mobile devices

Boost staff communications through the CarePoint Notifier app, a new level of intelligent communication to enhance your residents’ safety. In addition to facilitating communication among your staff, the system provides on-demand notification capability, so you can quickly message staff at any time.

Your healthcare partners value robust resident data

Potentially strengthen referral relationships with your healthcare provider partners as you demonstrate excellent client care based on sophisticated, resident-specific data using the CarePoint safety system.

24/7 service support

Receive outstanding Lifeline service with expert installation, web-based or on-site training, and 24/7 service support to bring your system online quickly and to ensure that it runs reliably.

CarePoint 6.2 Advanced Central Monitoring Software

The CarePoint 6.2 central monitoring software is the foundation of your resident safety system and the latest software update provides an enhanced user experience, better functionality, increased security features, and improved data retention security with database backup capability.

The CarePoint central monitoring software plays a crucial role in providing protection to your residents – helping you build a better community experience. The CarePoint Management Console receives, processes, and identifies alert data throughout the community from devices such as personal help buttons, smoke detectors, check-in devices, or controlled access doors. When the system receives an alert from a wearable device, wireless receivers throughout the community help determine a resident’s call location, and staff is notified either by pagers and/or the CarePoint Notifier mobile app.

Customized to your requirements, the system can be easily upgraded to accommodate your changing needs, and importantly, it can be configured to operate during power outages.

CarePoint 6.2 advanced central monitoring software

Inovonics Collaboration

Carepoint is now capable of monitoring Inovonics devices as well as Lifeline’s market-leading alert devices, offering senior living communities optimal flexibility in resident safety system design.

Powered by Invonics
CarePoint Notifier App in mobile phone

The CarePoint 6.2 software powers the CarePoint Notifier app to enhance staff communication, improve resident care and empower your management. When a senior living community resident calls for help through the CarePoint resident safety system, the CarePoint Notifier app promptly broadcasts the alert to all assigned caregivers’ mobile devices. Using an intuitive display and touch screen, a caregiver can:


Accept the alert


Help the resident as needed


Post updates


Escalate the alert for additional help or defer the alert to another caregiver

Other caregivers and managers are able to see all alert activity through the app and can use it to communicate with one another via voice or text message, helping to improve care coordination among the care team. The wireless app can leverage your existing mobile devices. Once the resident has been helped, the CarePoint Notifier app allows the caregiver to enter incident reasons and notes, and then to close the alert with a single touch, eliminating the need for staff to enter notes later into a computer.

Our Senior Living account managers are ready to help you find the right solution.

Call: 800-816-4885

Personal Alert Buttons with AutoAlert Fall Detection

When your senior living community is protected by the CarePoint resident safety system, the Lifeline personal alert buttons with AutoAlert1 fall detection can help residents maintain their lifestyle within your community. Whether residents send an alert due to a fall or for any other reason, the personal alert button gives them fast access to assistance from your staff when needed. The additional protection of AutoAlert fall detection means that even if they fall and become immobilized, unconscious or are otherwise unable to press the button to call for help, the AutoAlert feature will detect the fall and call for them. An LED light on pendant assures residents that staff have been notified.

The personal alert service is a foundational element of the protections offered to all your residents by the CarePoint resident safety system. When coupled with the capabilities of the CarePoint Notifier app, which speeds staff responses to any resident alert and then consolidates these alert data to the CarePoint Analytics reporting function, data from the personal alert buttons become the basic building blocks of your entire CarePoint resident safety system.

Help Buttons - Pendant and Wristband

CarePoint Controlled Access and Wander Management

Because some of your residents may be vulnerable to unsafe wandering outside your community, the CarePoint resident safety system incorporates a robust controlled access and wander management capability. This monitoring helps keep all your residents safer while allowing you to manage the risks that your vulnerable residents present.

Residents considered at risk for wandering can wear a small waterproof wrist tag that controls elevator use and locks doors that these residents should not use, while simultaneously alerting staff to their activity. The CarePoint system is even flexible enough to monitor windows. All data about attempted wandering become part of the daily reports that you receive so that you can retain full line-of-sight to any potential elopement risks within your community.

CarePoint Controlled Access and Wander Management

The CarePoint resident safety system can be customized to let a community serve its residents along the healthcare continuum. For example, with our controlled access and wander management system, your staff can allow at-risk residents temporary, controlled access to secure outside areas of your community. The system is also ideal for communities with both assisted living and memory care wings, since it can be tailored to meet the needs both of buildings and of their residents. If the memory care wing is full, staff members can provide wander management tags to individual residents in the assisted living wing, enabling them to remain in assisted living despite their elopement risk. Lifeline can design a system that meets your current needs as well as your future requirements for new construction and retrofits.

Contact Us Today

For more information on the CarePoint resident safety system, please fill out the form below or call us at 1-800-816-4885 to speak to a Senior Living account manager.

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