The Lifeline Blog

14 Strength, Flexibility & Balance Exercises for Seniors

Falls are the leading cause of injury-related death for Americans 65 and older, according to data from the CDC.1 Luckily, there are many ways to lower the likelihood of taking a tumble and increase your ability to recover. Two of the most effective are: Exercises. One of the main risk factors is poor strength and balance.2 There are lots of exercises for seniors that improve balance, mobility, strength and stability. (See below.) ...

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June 7th, 2019

How to Live Longer by Losing Loneliness

When we dream about our golden years, we see our older selves gracefully living out our lives engaged in meaningful activities and surrounded by family and friends. But the reality can be different for many older adults. Almost half of seniors (43%) say they feel lonely and isolated, according to a landmark study by the University of Read more >>

June 1st, 2019

Caring for Seniors: Recognizing Signs of Elder Abuse

Caring for Seniors: Recognizing Signs of Elder Abuse It’s something we don’t want to think about: elder abuse and neglect. If we have aging parents, we can’t ignore it. About one in 10 people aged 60 and older experience physical or emotional abuse or neglect, according to the National Center on Elder Abuse. The incidence Read more >>

June 1st, 2019

Financial Frauds: How to Reduce Seniors’ Rip-Off Risk

Even the most conservative estimates place losses from elder financial exploitation at $36 billion each year. And that’s just what’s reported to financial companies and the police. “Elder financial abuse is happening in America at an alarming rate – if it was reported as often as it happens,” asserts Syracuse-based CPA and financial planner Ted Read more >>

April 9th, 2019

Your Earth Day Activities Guide for Older Adults

Every April 22 since 1970, Americans have observed Earth Day. The largest secular observance in the world, the day serves to engage the public in environmental activities and advocacy. Ideas for Older Adults to Observe Earth Day, Have Fun and Do Good 1. Create a plastic reduction plan Commit to doing your part to reduce Read more >>

December 6th, 2018

How to Buy Gifts for Seniors or Older Loved Ones: A Holiday Gift Guide

Looking for the perfect gift for older parents, grandparents, or other special seniors in your life? Many of the latest gizmos and gadgets dominating holiday advertisements do not make most seniors’ wish lists. “Be mindful about what works for the seniors within their abilities – not whether or not it’s a cool idea from a Read more >>

December 5th, 2018

Tips for Managing Caregiver Stress

As a caregiver, you have many responsibilities and challenges to juggle, and stress can be a common reaction to your lifestyle. No one can simply banish stress; the key is to manage stress, which may require tweaking your lifestyle and your schedule. Practical Tips for Managing Stress and Being Good to Yourself Top Cause of Caregiver Read more >>

December 4th, 2018

Reduce the Risk of Falls Inside the House

In the cozy familiarity of our homes, we often underestimate the potential hazards that can lead to trips and falls. Unfortunately, these accidents can be particularly concerning for older adults, as falls are the leading cause of injury among this demographic. However, the good news is that with proactive measures, we can significantly reduce these Read more >>

November 12th, 2018

Hit the Road! Travel Bucket List Ideas for Older People

Many of us spent our younger years dreaming of the days when we could travel anywhere we wanted any time. Why wait any longer? “I realized that waiting for the right time to travel might never come, so I booked a ticket to Prague to experience the holiday markets this December. It’s been on the Read more >>

November 8th, 2018

National Family Caregivers Month: How to Help a Caregiver

Almost 30% of American adults care for a family member, according to the National Society on Aging. To bring awareness to the valuable work these citizens provide and the challenges they face doing it, the National Family Caregiver Association proclaimed November National Family Caregivers Month in 1994. Caregiver Challenges: Balancing Work and Caregiving Most family Read more >>

October 31st, 2018

How to Deal with Conflict When Caring for an Aging Family Member

One of the biggest sources for family stress is conflict, especially when we’re caring for an aging parent. How do you manage this extra stress when being a family caregiver? Begin with communication. Jude Bijou, a licensed family therapist and author of Attitude Reconstruction: A Blueprint for Building a Better Life, has four rules for Read more >>

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